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Graphic Design 3

The third year of Graphics Arts focuses on product design, package design, client work and rapid prototyping and testing. We start getting our hands off the computer and into the real world creating real life products.


Delightful Earrings

Size: 17 x 11 in

Medium: Illustrator + Acrylic

Description: The sweetest part about this project was getting off the computer. My theme was sweet foods. We started off by designing the outlines of the earrings on illustrator and then moved onto paper prototypes. The reason for these prototypes were to check for sizing and ringhole discrepancies. After getting the paper prototypes just right I moved onto the real acrylic product. The peppermint and cupcakes were easy, simply send the command to the laser cutter, hook them with an earring set and hang on the stand. The strawberries were a little more complex. They had multiple layers to them which made the labour of manufacturing a little more intense. So with the help of the finest super glue on the planet and some tears trying to align the pieces properly, I had done it!


Earring Stand

Size: 19 x 10 in

Medium: Blender + Illustrator. + Cardboard

Description: The stand has to stand out. My revolutionary puns aside, I knew when creating my stand I wanted to somehow mimic a pastry display, the glass display you find while standing in line at a bakery filled with croissants and muffins. So to do this I first made a model on blender to get a visual for dimensions. I then created a net of the display on illustrator which is essentially flat line the laser cutter will cut on the cardboard. I would then assemble the stand using those flat pieces. My first prototypes were rough because measurements were very off. I then got something that finally stood! Unlike the final product though, the rows the earrings hang on were directly on top of each other which made viewing every earring difficult. I then got the tip to staircase each row and also to add wavy elements to match the sweetness and personality of the earrings.

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Our Town Theatre Poster

Size: 11 x 17 in

Medium: Adobe Illustrator

Description: For this project the entire Graphics 3 class was tasked with creating a poster for the fall school play Our Town. This play was mainly about the passage of time which I was able to depict using the imagery of an hourglass and warping the title to act like sand. I experimented using gradients and different textures to create a cohesive and steampunk theme like the client asked for.


Beckman Ornament

Size: 3.5 x 3.5 in

Medium: Adobe Illustrator & Acrylic

Description: Tasked by our very dear Principal of Beckman High, Dr. Donnie Rafter, we set out to create a holiday ornament to represent of our school to be distributed to other schools and teachers of Beckman. I decided to create a 3d present ornament with out school initials and the year: 2024. I've gotten good at the laser cutter so only after a few prototypes I was able to create the final product. After a neat presentation to the principal for pitching and budgeting purchases, we got the green light and started making these ornaments for out teachers to put on their Christmas trees. I was given a total of 5 units to make.

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